Pizza Crust for Sale in Clifton Park!

Uneaten Pizza Crust In A Box

Is this real? Not really sure...but it looks it...ordering a box of JUST...Pizza Crust! Mmmmmm! Would you do this? Walk into a pizza shop, look over the menu and say...'Yes, I'd like to order just the crust please!' They would kind of be like breadsticks, right? But no - because in order to be a crust, you NEED to have the rest of the's the only way a crust can where is the rest of the pizza? Can you order the 'crustless pie'? I guess you can get the answers to all of these questions at Villa Italian Kitchen in Clifton Park. Apparently (unless this is some form of a very late April Fool's joke) you can order 'Just the Crust' at a cost of $2.75 per box of Neapolitan crusts...not sure if the sauce is extra. Would you give it a try?

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